As a mother, we often make the mistake of neglecting our health because we’re so busy taking care of our kids. This is a bit like the reminder with air travel that securing yourself first in the seat is the priority. This is because you’ll be unable to help your baby during air turbulence without being safe and secure first. The same goes for your health too.
This leads into the larger issue with parents (mothers especially but fathers as well) who see a decline in their health and an increased frequency of illnesses as a parent compared to during their child-free life. This isn’t helped at all by sleep deprivation due to parenting, ignoring troubling health symptoms early on as irrelevant, and decreasing our own importance in favour of our child or children.
For this article, we look at why it’s critical for mothers (and by extension, fathers as well) to make their own care a priority.
Being Worn Out Has a Detrimental Effect on Health
It stands to reason that all new parents (and experienced ones) are tired. Sometimes exhausted!
There’s so much to continually be doing as a parent that it’s a tiring process. When working either part-time or full-time along with being a parent, there’s juggling going on which would be tough for anyone.
Because of the above reasons, all the running around after our baby or young children leaves us feeling thoroughly worn out. When this situation persists, the immune system becomes far less effective and as a result, we get sick more often. This spirals downwards in alarming fashion when ill-health hits or the situation doesn’t correct itself, which can lead to worse health consequence when not rectified.
Ignore Health Warning Signs at Your Peril
Health warning signs appear sporadically. We’re often too tired or focused in other areas to notice them.
That pain in the chest, numbness in one hand or a jolt in the kidneys leave us wondering if it’s a kidney stone problem because you’ve heard people can get that but aren’t sure what it feels like. Was that it?
By ignoring warning signs, preventative steps by a general care and renal specialist like Westside Renal Services aren’t taken when they should be. And this is not only bad for you but bad for your partner and children too. Children need all available parents, not just for their upbringing care, but also their collective life experience too. So, if you’re feeling like something might be wrong, consider contacting Westside Renal Services to get an appointment for a check-up.
Share Parental Duties to Add in Recovery Time
One way to make life easier when there are two parents in the picture is to share parental duties in a systematic fashion. This means agreeing what days and times each parent is responsible for the children (or child). Plan in times for separate outside activities, downtime or just more sleep!
By planning time apart and a break from being a parent, it’s possible to recharge, stay healthier and be a better parent to your children too. The children also get individual bonding time with either their father or mother, which is not a bad thing either.
Ultimately, a mother (and father) serve their children better when they take care of their health. Sacrificing their health by focusing all their attention and energy on their children is a bad idea. Be the best parent you can be by being the best you.