Dogs are dying from Paralysis Ticks:Dr Katrina Warren warns Aussie dog owners of the deadly dangers of paralysis ticks as season starts early
Date: September 02 2016
![]() With Australia’s peak paralysis tick season officially starting this month, media veterinarian Dr Katrina Warren is issuing a strong warning to Aussie dog owners – protect your dog against paralysis ticks or be prepared for the consequences, including death.
Paralysis tick cases are already being reported by veterinary clinics and with experts predicting a bad season ahead, pet owners must proactively protect their dog.
Dr Katrina has seen the devastating effects of paralysis ticks first hand and is urging pet owners to be vigilant, appealing to all dog owners to proactively talk to a local vet about paralysis ticks now, to avoid heartache later.
“Over the past twenty years I have seen many heart breaking situations where people have lost their beloved dogs to tick paralysis or spent thousands of dollars in vet bills. These ticks can be lethal and preventative treatment, coupled with daily searching for ticks on your dog, is absolutely essential. Talk to your vet and be prepared this tick season with the right plan for long-lasting protection.”
Director and Veterinary Specialist at The Animal Emergency Service, Dr Rob Webster is already seeing the devastating consequences some owners face if their dog is not protected, especially when it comes to deadly paralysis tick.
“I have already had patients die from tick paralysis this year despite everything we could do. This isn’t fair. You can save your pet from tick paralysis by using tick prevention. Apply Bravecto today, then repeat in November and your dog will be protected for the most dangerous time of the year. It’s the most important thing you can do for their health. Spread the word because no dog should suffer or die from a preventable disease.”
Australia’s paralysis tick season runs from about September to March – the time when adult female ticks are most abundant1 but can vary region to region. Unique to Australia’s eastern seaboard, the paralysis tick - Ixodes holocyclus - causes a huge problem to tackle locally every year and is the single most dangerous parasite for dogs on the eastern coast of Australia with just one tick capable of causing paralysis and even death.1
The paralysis tick causes symptoms in a variety of forms, but typically starts with weakness of the hindquarters, progressing to total paralysis of all four legs.2
Other early symptoms include the appearance that the dog has something stuck in its throat, vomiting or heavy, loud breathing.2
Dogs should be inspected daily for ticks and, if a tick is found, it needs to be removed immediately with finger nails, tweezers or a tick-removing device. After removal of the tick, if owners are unsure as to whether their dog is showing any symptoms of tick paralysis, they need to contact their local vet immediately.
Due to the devastating effects of paralysis tick on dogs, treatment following infestation is not always successful.3
Dr Katrina Warren is the National Ambassador for Bravecto®, an oral treatment offering dog owners unprecedented extended protection – just 1 tasty chew protects dogs for 4 months against paralysis ticks and 3 months against fleas - this means fewer treatments to remember each year, and less to forget!
Find out more at, Instagram @bravectoau or Facebook Bravecto AU.
1. Webster, M., Fisara, P. and Sargent, R. (2011) Long-Term Efficacy Of A Deltamethrin-Impregnated Collar For The Control Of The
Australian Paralysis Tick, Ixodes Holocyclus, On Dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal, 89; 439-443.
2. The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition. Merck and Co. Inc Whitehouse Station NJ. USA (2005) p 1073-1076.
3. Atwell, Campbell and Evans. (2001) Prospective survey of tick paralysis in dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal, 79; 412-418.