Have you started to notice the first signs of ageing on your skin? This can be a worrisome occurrence to many individuals, men and women alike. With age, our skin suffers natural wear and tear, just like any other part of our body. However, a vast majority of what we consider natural ageing can be attributed to lack of care towards our skin and exposure to sunlight, harmful chemicals and pollution.
The good news is, all these factors in our daily lives are preventable ones and it is never too late to start fighting the signs of ageing. Have a look at our top 7 Natural Ways To Fight The Signs of Ageing and watch your skin thrive in all its youthful glory!
1. Protect Yourself From Sun Damage
According to the experts at Medical Aesthetic Laser Clinic, most skin damage can be associated with one main cause - sun damage. Ultraviolet rays from the sun penetrate into our skin, damaging the elastic fibers that keep skin firm, causing wrinkles to develop. Sunlight is also one of the biggest culprits in causing age and liver spots to appear on faces and hands. Protecting yourself from the sun is essential in fighting the signs of ageing. Some of the best ways of doing this is to avoid sunbathing, religiously apply sunscreen on your face and body, and avoiding the sun between the times of 10am to 3pm in the afternoon, where ultraviolet rays are at its strongest.
2. Exfoliate Your Skin Weekly
It is believed that men tend to age slower because they frequently exfoliate their skin due to shaving their faces often. Whether you are male or female, exfoliating is something that is a great way of keeping your skin fresh and clean. You can do this by using a simple, natural facial scrub and wash cloth or exfoliating cloth once a week. Exfoliating helps keep your skin looking young and supple by helping to ged rid of dead skin cells and pushing newer ones to form.
3. Load Up On Your Antioxidants
Antioxidants like Vitamin C, Alpha-lipoic Acid and Green Tea help prevent free radicals from damaging your skin. Free radicals are partially responsible for wrinkles, eye bags and saggy skin. Drinking Green Tea instead of your usual Coffee (which is a diuretic and causes dehydration) is a great way to incorporate more antioxidants into your diet. Vitamin C and Antioxidants found in unprocessed, natural, everyday foods are a great way to keep your skin looking young as well. Aim to have a variety of colorful foods on your plate as color is synonymous with rich antioxidants. Berries, Spinach, Pomegranates and Dark Leafy Greens are all excellent anti-ageing preventative sources. Incorporating them into your morning smoothie is a great way of power packing your diet with antioxidants and Vitamin C.
4. Stay Away From Smoking Cigarettes
We are all well aware of the many scientifically documented ill-effects of smoking on the body - but did you know that it also causes premature ageing of the skin? Smoking cigarettes reduces blood supply and nourishment to the skin. This in turn makes the skin lose its elasticity and moisture, making it look more aged and worn out. Repetitive actions like squinting to protect the eyes from cigarette smoke whilst smoking and constantly dragging on a cigarette butt causes wrinkles over time at the corners of the eyes and the mouth. If you are a smoker, quitting is the best option for both your health and to stop the signs of ageing on your skin.
5. Moisturise Daily
Many people are very caught up in buying expensive, high end products for skin and anti-ageing that are widely available in the market these days. So much emphasis is put on exorbitantly priced products that most people often overlook the power of a simple moisturiser. All you have to do is use a basic, inexpensive facial and body moisturiser daily, after you have a shower. Skin that is moist simply looks better, and makes any fine lines or wrinkles much less obvious than they would be if your skin was left dry.
6. Do Not Over Wash Your Face!
Similar to our hair which should not be over washed, our skin and faces should follow that same advice. Tap water strips the skin of its natural oils and natural moisture that actually help prevent wrinkles and ageing. Constantly washing these oils off your skin also washes off the natural protection against ageing that your body has created. Moreover, if the soap you are using to wash your face does not contain any moisturising oils in them, you should switch to using a facial cleanser instead.
7. Get An Adequate Amount Of Sleep
Sleep is so important for many functions in the body. When you do not get enough sleep, your body produces Cortisol, a stress hormone that breaks down skin cells and causes your skin to age. Adequate amounts of sleep helps your body produce more Human Growth Hormones which helps your skin remain thick, supple, more elastic and less likely to wrinkle.
Follow these 7 simple, natural ways to fight the signs of ageing and keep yourself looking youthful regardless of your age or gender. Always remember, treat your body like a temple - take care of it and nourish it well and it will in turn take care of you!