On a rush?:8 food items to stock for last-minute lunchbox preparations
Date: January 26 2016
![]() It’s late in the evening; you’re tired and can only think of the pillow’s softness surrounding your head. Everyone is either in bed, perhaps already sleeping: time for you to go to bed…until you remember about the children’s lunchbox. A growing sense of desperation, as you remember that you forgot about it. We’ve all been there. We also know that, most likely, we’ll have the same problem, somewhere in the future. However, we’re prepared now. Time to stock up! This is what you’ll be needing in case of late-night emergencies:
![]() 1. Instant Ramen Noodles. Little things are more useful that a pasta that can be cooked in less than three minutes, sided with pretty much anything and still be good enough to eat the other day. Thumbs up to this instantaneous, magical pasta.
![]() 2. Rice to the rescue. Next time you prepare rice – a casserole, fried, the way you like it – make sure you make an extra portion. Wait until it cools down and put that portion in a Ziploc bag – then, to the freezer it goes. Rice lasts up to 30 days in the freezer; a lunch-saver when times get tight and tough.
![]() 3. Tortilla Wraps. A must when you have school-aged children. Always keep a bag or two in the fridge or freezer. Delicious and generous when it comes to
preparing lunches: the life-jacket of foods.
![]() 4. Bread. When ingredients are scarce, bread comes into stage to perform miracles. Pretty much every ingredient will be better if placed among to slices of
![]() 5. Eggs & Tuna cans. Boiled eggs and canned tuna are the ultimate enhancers: rice, pasta and salads over perform when you add these two ingredients.
![]() 6. Fruit. A double benefit comes from the fruit: first of all, it’ll be there to back up lunch when needed. Second, it’s a way to construct a healthy habit.
![]() 7. Frozen pizzas. A bag of little frozen pizzas always comes in hand. Remember the cheese, please!
![]() 8. Frozen leftovers. Exercise the habit: if there are any leftovers, pack’em up into lunch portions. It’s all about getting organized!