Thinking of getting breast augmentation?:Four reasons why breast augmentation has risen in popularity
Date: December 01 2015
![]() Four reasons why breast augmentation has risen in popularity
Everywhere you go nowadays, it seems like there’s someone you know who’s had breast augmentation! I know that when I was growing up, it was something that was restricted purely to the domain of the movie starlets or the trophy wives, but now it’s socially acceptable. I’d like to explore a couple of the reasons why breast augmentation has grown in popularity and discuss these in a bit more detail. I have been doing my own research as my daughter is looking into getting breast augmentation and since I’ve found a lot of information, I thought I’d compile it into a list for anyone else who wants to access it.
Everyone else is doing it!
Ok, so this is never a good reason to do something, but it certainly helps to normalise things! As I stated before, when I was growing up, pretty much no-one I knew had surgery, and at the very most, there was maybe one girl or guy on the fringes of a friendship group who had had surgery. Now you don’t have to go far to find someone who’s had a nose job, a breast augmentation or some other kind of procedure. Breast augmentation is very popular, and I suppose the main reason is because women are more free to explore their personal style, and feel a lot more body confident to change something if they don’t like it! Previously, women perhaps had to conform a lot more, but now women are really free to just do as they please. It’s a very empowering thing, provided that it’s not abused by the cosmetic surgery industry.
Readily available
I suppose it goes hand in hand with the fact that everyone is doing it, but the fact is that where once there were hardly any cosmetic surgery clinics, there are now a huge range of clinics all over the place, with people able to get surgery in a lunch break! Well, maybe not that extreme, but there’s certainly a lot less of the drama that might have been associated with surgery previously. The process is streamlined, you can look online at reviews, before-and-after shots, and obtain information about surgeons at the click of a button. It’s all very convenient.
But in many cases it shouldn’t be! In my research, I turned up some information about the Cosmetic Institute Sydney and found some horror stories about girls who had gone in for breast augmentation and wound up on the table in emergency in a hospital down the road, fighting for their lives. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, take a look at the video below to see what happened and to hear their horror stories. Price should NEVER be a factor when you’re undergoing surgery - you should always get the very best care for yourself and to go with a reputable surgeon.
Watch video here
It’s an instant self-esteem booster
We live in an instant world now. People have access to the internet twenty four hours of the day, and many people rely on tools like Facebook and Instagram for information about their peers and about the world. We have created a culture of instantaneousness, and many people find it hard to have to wait for things. We also have a much shorter attention span as a whole, and that extends to things like breast augmentation. Instead of putting up with what you have, girls today can simply opt to change it as simply as applying another filter to a photo. Perhaps consider the mental health implications of your decision when thinking about surgery.
I hope that this short list has been helpful for you and that you manage to find the right surgeon for your needs!