If you’re helping a student you know write a resume, use power verbs to describe accomplishments. Impress employers with words such as "first," "only," "best," "most," and "highest”. Use plain fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana and Tahoma- these ooze professionalism. Keep font sizes between 10 and 12 point.
Use power verbs like these when helping a student write their resume:
Creative Skills - acted; conceptualised; created; designed; developed; directed; established
Management Skills - administered; analysed; assigned; attained; chaired; contracted; consolidated
Communication Skills - addressed; arbitrated; arranged; authored; corresponded; developed; directed
Administration skills - approved; arranged; catalogued; classified; collected; compiled; dispatched
Research skills- assessed; clarified; collected; critiqued; diagnosed; evaluated; examined; extracted
Technical skills - assembled; built; calculated; computed; designed; devised
Teaching skills - adapted; advised; clarified; coached; communicated; coordinated; developed; engineered
Financial Skills - administered; allocated; analysed; appraised; audited; balanced; budgeted
Too overwhelming? Examples of skills, experiences and achievements Graduate Employers look for in a student resume are ready to select and edit in My Resume Builder.
About My Resume Builder
My Resume Builder is an online resume builder helping students create a professional resume just the way Australian employers like it. For more information visit www.myresumebuilder.com.au