A Monash University study which surveyed more than 200 women seeking help to achieve a pregnancy found only 13 percent could correctly nominate the specific days in their cycle when women are most fertile.
"This study found a majority of the women seeking fertility treatment had insufficient knowledge of when to time intercourse to optimise natural conception," researcher Kerry Hampton from Monash University's Department of General Practice said.
The study, published in the International Journal of Advanced Nursing, found 68 percent of women believed they had pinpointed the window of fertility before seeking professional advice, that Fertility Plus can offer you.
Ms. Hampton said poor fertility awareness could contribute to infertility, which affects about one in six Australian couples.
Timing intercourse accurately could reduce the time it takes a couple to get pregnant and may avoid the need for assisted reproductive treatment, Ms. Hampton said.
The best time to conceive is the three days just before and including ovulation, about 14 days before the start of a period.
Research released on Monday by the Fertility Coalition, a group of Australian fertility health organisations, found two-thirds of Australians were unaware of the fertility window.
Only a third of those surveyed could pinpoint the optimum time.
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