Welcoming a new addition to your family is one of the happiest moments in life. The little human you've been waiting nine months to meet is finally here, and everything is changing in the most exciting ways. Unfortunately, it isn't all sunshine and lollipops. New babies are a lot of hard work, and your physical and mental health can suffer as you rush to give your child everything they want and need.
While it's completely understandable to put all your effort into your family’s new addition, you can't take care of others effectively if you're not taking care of yourself. With that in mind, don’t be shy about following these four simple ways to look and feel your best.
Your new baby is constantly learning, and emotions are one of the most important things for them to understand early on. Luckily, positive emotions are the easiest to grasp, so if you smile at your little one, they'll probably smile back, which boosts everyone's mood. To help get you in the smiling mood, consider getting composite veneers, braces, or a whitening treatment, depending on what aspect of your smile is causing you grief with your teeth.
Get moving
Another easy way to boost both your mood and appearance is to get moving. It doesn't matter whether you do this through cleaning and other household chores, by making time to go to the gym each week, or even by hiring a brilliant personal trainer. Exercise in any form releases dopamine – our brain's happy chemical – and even just getting your home in order while looking after bubs can do wonders for your physique.
Keep things tidy
It's understandable if your house gets a little messy after welcoming your newest addition. After all, you do have far more important things to worry about. However, if you can find the time and energy to keep things clean and organized, you'll be rewarded. Our moods are often closely linked with the state of our everyday environment, so you'll find that keeping your home organized and clean will improve how you feel on a daily basis. Happier people automatically look great, and as a bonus, you’ll be unintentionally working out while you're cleaning and organizing your space.
Find some me time
This one is probably the most important point on the list as every other option relies on you being able to put yourself first, even if only for a few moments. Take the time to read a book, go for a walk alone, or take a bath. The sky isn't going to fall, and your baby will be just fine with a family member or babysitter. It's natural that your world currently revolves around them, but to be the best mum you can be, you need to look after yourself as well. Decide what makes you feel most at peace and make a bit of time each week to practice self-care. Your body (and your family) will thank you for it.
Your little bundle of joy will bring many new challenges and experiences to your life. Even if you've been here before, adding an extra child is going to alter your lifestyle and family dynamic. Make sure you don't forget yourself with everything that is to come. Your kids only get one mum, so you owe it yourself, and to them, to be the best version of you that you can be.