Renovation shows are so popular on TV. But there’s a different kind of makeover - one that doesn’t deal with outward things that others can see. The one I’m thinking of is more private, personal and intimate in nature. It’s what I call a 'facelift' for the mind - a way to renovate your thinking, and it’s good for your health.
Renovating your thinking can have a positive impact on your health. Some people have gone on to inhabit a happier frame of mind. Others have been freed from crippling doubt and fear. Many have become more confident of being well and staying well. There’s no doubt that there are as many great outcomes as there are renovation opportunities.
- Knock down inhibiting mental barriers to healthy living.
- Strip away tired and worn out patterns of thinking. Modernize them with sparkling, fresh ideas.
- Break up old layers of anxiety. Replace them with calmness and peace of mind.
- Revamp dark and gloomy thoughts. Trade them in for bright and happy ones.
- Demolish pessimistic notions about healthy living. Rebuild with positive, hopeful thinking.
- Dump seemingly ingrained negativity. Remodel with enthusiastic expectancy of staying mentally alert at every stage of life.
Roll up your mental sleeves
There are multiple and unique benefits from renovating your mind. It just takes some thought-powered “elbow-grease” to achieve mental and physical freedom, health and happiness.
- Accept the renovation challenge. Make changes now.
- Take up health-producing action. Refuse to work with unhealthy thoughts and fears.
- Mentally step back. Examine your thinking. Look at each thought.
- Get cracking! Ask yourself: Is this idea positive, heath-giving, and healing in nature, or is it negative, fear-generating, and harmful to wellbeing?
- Make wise thought-choices. Transform fear of illness with thoughts of wellness.
- Overhaul worry about future wellbeing with the prospect of retaining a normal, stress-free life-style.