Spring is in the air!
The days are a bit longer and warmer, and the air is filled with that distinct Springtime freshness. I just love Spring. It is so full of possibility and new beginnings.
One of my favourite aspects of Spring is the opportunity to transform my home from the Fall/Winter vibes into a Spring/Summer feel. This certainly doesn’t mean I redecorate my home every Spring! What it does mean is that I have tried and tested methods for a Spring style switch up. Read on for 6 quick and easy ways to transform your home into a Springtime delight.
1) Outside Opportunities
The Winter months may have kept you huddled around a fire with a nice glass of red wine. Spring is when you get to dust off the cobwebs on your patio furniture and begin daydreaming about the glorious warm evening dinners you will enjoy.
A great addition to any outdoor patio is alfresco blinds. These outdoor blinds will weather-proof your deck, protecting you from sun, wind and rain. As dreamy as Spring is, Mother Nature can always bring unwanted elements to the party. So be prepared!
2) Embrace Nature
Spring is the perfect opportunity to begin incorporating nature into your indoor decor. Flowers are blooming (the daffodils!) and branches are sporting beautiful buds that hold promise to bloom with bursts of colour. Welcoming Spring into your living room with fresh flowers, branches or Spring fruits are great and inexpensive ways to add bursts of Spring into your life.
3) Go Colour Crazy
Daffodils aren’t the only thing that get to show off bright colour in Spring. Now is the time to bust out those bright throw pillows, the floral curtains, and the light coloured duvet cover.
My house has two very distinct decors; one for Fall and Winter, and one for Spring and Summer. I absolutely LOVE the day when I get to tuck away all remnants ad reminders of a chilly Winter and replace them with bright, bold colours of Spring.
4) Spring Artwork
This is a new ritual I have in my seasonal decor swap. Switching up artwork and photos on shelves for the new season. In the Winter my house is adorned with cozy blues and snowy landscapes. My Spring redecorating includes switching those out for bright paintings of the seaside and photos of tropical vacations. It is crazy how much this shifts the mindset out of Winter and into Spring!
5) Pick a Wall
Every year, I pick a wall in my house to repaint and redecorate. This gives me the feel of a renovation, without breaking the bank. This year I chose the wall behind our bed and turned it into a feature wall to welcome Spring into our bedroom.
The wall transformed from a boring white to a beautiful blue and I hung a collage of paintings of all my favourite flowers. Paint colours are not forever, and I love transforming walls of my house into art projects because I know I can always return them to white or change the theme when I am ready!
There is something about Spring that really brings the urge to spruce up your home. There is no need to undergo major renovations or redecorations to embrace the new season. Using the affordable and creative solutions above will leave your friends thinking you hired an interior designer!