1. Sweet potato jack-o-lanterns. A good way to divert attention from the sugar-heavy sweets is to spread the Halloween spirit to other meals. The jack-o-lantern sweet potatoes are as easy to make as regular, baked sweet potatoes. Carve those up to turn a regular meal into a spooky treat!

2. Pizza mummies, raising from the oven. The cool thing about pizza is that you can make the dough out of regular flour or healthier, whole-grain options. Your call. Either way, most children love pizza, and the mummy twist is just perfect for the occasion.

3. Fresh strawberry ghost. Strawberries dipped in white chocolate make one scaringly good treat. Keep in mind that strawberries provide lots of vitamin C –
proportionally, much more than oranges. I’d go for this treat any day, nevermind Halloween.

4. A spidy snack. Instead of a hyper-caloric candy bar, go for the spidy snacks. It’s amazing how far two ingredients can go when combined the proper way.

5. What’s for dinner? Edible jack-o-lanterns! Once again, a simple twist saving the day. Stuff your bell peppers the way you like – from meat to rice, countless options – for a hearty, Halloween-themed dinner.

6. A cheese treat for a not-so-cheesy Halloween. Witch broom snacks are not only easy to make – cheese, pretzel sticks and a green veggie to keep those together (think of basil or arugula) – but also, fun to eat. In other words, an instant win.

7. Cookies, anyone? You probably know the answer to that question, right? Since we’re talking about Halloween, you can go for the healthier and equally tasty alternative of pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips. Like most homemade cookies, these are utterly delicious.

8. A low-sugar treat, done smoothly. All it takes is yogurt, a bit of edible food coloring and a toppling – chocolate is always the easiest option. Oh, and don’t forget to draw the scary faces on the outside of the cups!

9. It’s all about how it looks. And everyone that ever had kids know about this rule. Children don’t really care about vitamins, nutrition facts or stuff like that. They want their meals to be tasty and fun. A good example: this pesto zucchini noodles. Always keep in mind that your kid’s imagination can be anally when it comes to food!

10. And the carver’s prize goes to... the parent who has the time and skill to pull a brain out of a watermelon. You can turn this into an activity with your child. Time and patience are the key to one scary treat!