With childhood obesity on the rise, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute is introducing 'Step-a-thon for Kids' to run in the first week of September.
Step-a-thon is a national campaign for primary school children to help teach them the importance of making every step count by encouraging them to keep active. By beingn part of the Step-a-thon, they will also help support child health and the research that helps keep kids healthy.
The first 25,000 kids to register at the Stepathon website will receive a free slap-on pedometer to make counting their steps fun and easy.
Murdoch Childrens ambassador and mum, Sarah Murdoch, says Step-a-thon is a fun and healthy way for kids to help other kids by getting active and raising money for research.
"It is heart-breaking to see a child suffering from a life threatening illness and every day there are families who face this with their own children.
"Within our community we can help make a difference by raising funds for our dedicated and highly skilled research teams to improve the health and well-being of children."
Another Mudoch Childrens ambassador, Dr Andrew Rochford, said children today are challenged by issues such as cancer, heart disease, allergies, diabetes and depression. He said that, as well as obesity being on the rise:
1 in 10 school kids suffers from a food allergy
Aussie kids are at the most at risk of getting type 1 diabetes
heart disease is the cause of one third of childhood deaths, and
every week three Australian children will die from cancer.
Step-a-thon will be held from 2nd - 8th September.
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For further information, visit Step-a-thon.