Enjoy life right now. It’s a simple message. An obvious one really. You don’t have to wait until everything is perfect at home or work before you allow yourself to enjoy life. It’s time right now to delight in every small moment – to stop and admire the flowers, laugh with one another, enjoy each other’s company. The reason for taking pleasure in what life has to offer, is that it’s uplifting, constructive and truly good for your health.
Yet how often do we find ourselves wishing for something more – money, friends, holidays, a better job. Such feelings of discontent take the shine off an otherwise perfectly good life and lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. The answer is of course to stop wishing away our days waiting for better ones to come along, and make the most of the moment at hand.
A friend who’d just retired after a long working life, was upset when a neighbour asked him what was his purpose in life, now that he no longer worked. The disturbing question threatened to spoil his happy retirement plans. Fortunately, he was reminded that his purpose now, as in the past, was simply to enjoy every minute of his life – which he happily proceeded to do.
- Enjoy life today. Stay in the moment. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow hasn’t happened yet!
- Live life to the full. Delight in happy, rewarding activities. “Pleasure is no crime, except when it strengthens the influence of bad inclinations.” Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings p.362
- Take time to enjoy family and friends. Relish every moment spent with them. Savour each communication with your kids or grandkids. Show your love and care for them.
- Don’t take people for granted. Be pleased when you can do kind things for others. Cheer them up. Tell them they’re doing well!
- Allow yourself the pleasure of feeling contented with who you are. Stop waiting for someone or something to make you happy. Be thankful for everything that’s good in your life, and be satisfied.
- Work hard. Enjoy doing well at home and work. Take delight in all you achieve each day. “There is nothing better for people than to find enjoyment in their work.” Bible. Ecclesiastes 2:24.
- Be gracious and humbly accept appreciation from others for your hard work, kindness, or continued encouragement. Gratitude comes from a spiritual source, so embrace it. Unwrap the gift of gratitude and take pleasure in it. It’s time to enjoy life right now.
Beverly Goldsmith writes about the connection between spirituality and health and is a Practitioner and Teacher of Christian Science healing. Twitter: @GoldsmithBev
Photo attribution: © Glow Images. Models used for illustrative purposes.