Your child reaching school age is a huge part of them growing up, and it can also be a challenging and daunting time for the child, as well as for you as the parent. Starting school is a big upheaval to the routine you and your child have become accustomed to for several years, and they will now be faced with meeting new people, learning new skills, and being away from mum and dad.
Therefore, you should spend some time if possible, in preparing your child for school so that this change in their routine and daily life isn’t as unsettling. We have put together this useful guide that offers four ways that you can prepare your child for school in the hope that they adjust to this change as easily as possible.
Get Your Child Used to Being Around Other Children
If you don’t have any other children yourself, then you may find that your child has not spent a lot of time socialising with other kids. This is going to change significantly when they start school, so they may find it beneficial to get some practice in beforehand. If you have any mum friends, then you could try and arrange a playdate with them and their children. Another option is to enrol your children on the School Readiness program from Pre Uni College. Not only will this help them to prepare for kindergarten, but it will also teach them the basics of socialising and even set them up for academic success.
Practice Saying Goodbye
One of the biggest challenges that some children face when starting school is having to say goodbye to mum and dad at the start of each day. For many children, their parents have been a constant every day of their lives so far, so the concept of spending time away can initially take some time to sink in. So, in the weeks leading up to them starting school, you should try to spend some time away from them, even if just for an hour. By dropping them with friends and family or at the local day care, they will start to get used to saying goodbye.
Encourage Good Hygiene
While your child can be forgiven for being a bit messy at the dinner table at home, this won’t be as accepted when they go to school. Therefore, you should spend some time reminding them of their manners and hygiene. It is important that you teach them how to use the toilet unaided and remind them to wash their hands afterwards.
Establish an Early Morning Routine
Starting school means that your child will need to get used to getting up early and getting themselves ready to leave the house. Therefore, in the months leading up to it, you should be sure to establish an early morning routine so that the school run is easy for all the family.
Starting school is a big step for your child, so it is important that you do what you can to make their transition as easy as possible.